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«PLANET LOVE 3.0» – exhibition of Ukrainian collage in Madrid

Time & Location: 15.12.2022-09.01.2023

Paseo Marques de Monistrol, 5 Madrid, Spain

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About the event

We are showing this exhibition to the world for the third time, this time with the new residents of the CUTOUT workshop: Liia Adam, Ganna Rusyava and Mila Cheprasova. This exhibition presents the collage artworks of the residents of CUTOUT COLLAGE STUDIO, located in Kyiv, Ukraine. On February 11, 2022, they were presented in Kyiv under the theme PLANET LOVE. 

This exhibition is a fundraiser for Ukraine:

We will donate 10% of the total sales to PORYAD UKRAINE- a volunteer organization that supplies the necessary products to the Ukrainian army and to Ukrainian citizens in need.

20% – organizational costs.
60% is the artist's profit.
20% - art club commission.


The exposition presents the residents of the CUTOUT STUDIO:

Liia Adam, Valeria Miroshnikova, Viktoria Ostrenko, Natalia Okhman, Ziu Poberezhniuk, Ganna Rusyava, Annete Sagal, Katya Syta, Mila Chaprasova, Maria Shapranova


This exhibition is our gift to you. We want you to see our collage art as a positive way of getting to know Ukrainian culture. We would love for our artwork to find a home on the wall of your home. And we will be grateful for your contribution to the fight for freedom.

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