«Genesis of Being» – charity poster exhibition
Time & Location: 5-10.07.2022
Beyond Limits, Berlin, Germany
About the event
There is a war in our country and we CUTOUT FESTIVAL are scattered all over the world, but we continue our creative and social activities.
July 5 - the opening of the exhibition «Genesis of Being» took place at the Beyond Limits gallery in Berlin. We present collages of CUTOUT residents and CUTOUT LOVERS. At the opening, guests were listening to a singer Arsen Danyluk, participant of «The Voice. Kids».
«Our presence on Earth every day gives us the choice to create or destroy - ourselves and the world around us... We do so many unconscious things, that move this world in one direction or another... Human, like the cell of this world, can destroy it or give birth to the most beautiful in itself.»
We set three goals for ourselves:
1. Collect funds to help Ukraine
2. Draw people's attention to the eternal question of humanity about the genesis of existence
3. and popularize collage all over the world
We collect funds for two foundations: PORYAD UKRAINE and TOLERSPACE
This CUTOUT exhibition is presented by the curator Patricia Demba - our resident, who joined in February 2022.
This is her first curatorial project.
Artists: Alexander Lyapin, Alexander Priymak, Anastasiia Viekua, Anhelina Datsiuk, Anna Kuznyetsova, Anna Serbinova, Annete Sagal, Chloe, Daria Zoria, DVNDRUID, Eva Holts, Hanna Hrydasova, Hanna Kozyrieva, Katya Lisova, Katya Syta, Ksenia Turenko, Lena Solomenchuk, Maria Shapranova & Viacheslav Zhurbenko, Maryna Gerdiy, Mila Cheprasova, Mykhailo Honcharenko, Natalia Okhman, Oleksandr Maksymov, Oleksandr Meshcheriak, Oleksandra Kulikovska, Oleksandra Tretiakova, Olesia Serohina, Olga Drozd, Olya Nixdorf, Dasha Pastrevich, Patricia Demba, Sasha Kitaeva, Valeria Miroshnikova, Viktoria Berezka, Viktoria Ostrenko, Vsevolod Kovtun, Yaroslava Huz, Yaroslava Shkolna, Ziu Poberezhniuk.
At the exhibition, you can buy a printed collage for EUR 50
(50% of the sale goes to help Ukraine, 25% to help artists and 25% to organizational costs).
You can also deposit the amount available to you to our PayPal
The exhibition will last until July 10.
Can't visit in person? Order a poster online and support Ukraine.
1. Make a donation in the amount of EUR 50 to our PayPal.
2. Fill out the form here, attach a screenshot of the payment to it.
3. We will send you a message when the poster is shipped.
View available collages ↓